Hitler's rise to power, 1929-1933
Economic Crisis
Wall Street Crash
1932 = 6m
Lower wages
Poverty, hunger and
1932 SA = 600,000
Organised violent attacks on political
opponents esp. the Communists. Appealed to the disillusioned
Joseph Goebbels
Posters, pamphlets and newspapers. Hitler's
speeches at mass rallies.
Ordinary Germans
See earlier work on the broad appeal
of the Nazis. Offered a vision of a confident, powerful Germany and a
scapegoat in the Jews.
The Ruling Classes
Elite groups (army officers,
industrialists etc.) had never had much sympathy for Weimar democracy.
The Nazis promised to be a barrier to communism. This elite helped pay
for the Nazi campaign.
P.R. = Coalition
Government = Article 48 = Hindenburg rules by decree
Nationalist Support
Jan 1933 von Papen does a deal with
Hitler. Hitler to be Chancellor in a government dominated by the
Nationalist Party
1930--November 1932 Three Chancellors
Bruning, von
Papen and von Schleicher
Hitler becomes Chancellor
30 Jan 1933